At times professional support may be needed to help us with difficult emotions.
Dr. Melanie Langford is offering private therapy remotely and can be contacted at (403) 397-6789 or via email at

We are facing a variety of stressors at this time which can create worry or heightened anxiety, among other difficult emotions. The cumulative toll on the body due to prolonged stress is called allostatic load. Although allostasis is a normal adaptation mechanism, chronic stress can result in over-activation of the sympathetic nervous system. There are ways to help our nervous system settle during times of stress.

Dr. Melanie Langford is a psychologist who maintains an office at Montgomery Chiropractic Plus. She suggests trying the following strategies and settling on what is helpful for you.

Creating a ‘New Routine’

If you find yourself working from home, suddenly unemployed or home schooling children, adopting a ‘regular’ daily routine can create structure and a sense of normalcy. This can help to reduce stress. Going to bed and waking at the same time each day, regular meals at set times, movement breaks and time for ‘fun or play’ are important for our well being.


Present awareness and bringing our attention to the breath can reduce nervous system activation. Websites such as offer resources to encourage calm and nourish resiliency. Other online options for relaxation resources include Apps such as Calm, Insight Timer and Headspace.


For some people trying to be present or sitting still may be quite challenging. In this case, physical activity may be helpful and can also provide opportunities to be mindful. Mindful walking is an example where we can get moving but also notice our surroundings. 

Other forms of physical activity such as yoga are also shown to help reduce the impact of allostatic load or stress.

Social Support

Both seeking out and providing support to others benefits our mental health. If you are in a position to help others, even by making a phone call, you may notice a boost to your mood. Virtually through many available Apps or by phone you can make social plans and stay connected.

Some options could be:

  • a coffee date
  • watching the same movie and sharing reactions
  • cooking the same meal as a friend
  • continue with book club of choir practice
  • connect with musicians who have been sharing concerts on their social media pages for fans to enjoy
  • having a virtual house party

This is an opportunity for us to be creative. In Italy people have come together to sing from their balconies!

These resources can also help:

The Distress Centre (403) 266-4357 or

Access Mental Health (403) 943-1500

Crisis Services Canada 1-833-4566, text 45645 or

Mental Health